Sunday, December 13, 2009

Human Warmth

Humans are social creatures which need human warmth. Children will not thrive without the caresses, love, and warmth of a parent or guardian, even when all other care is present. Studies have shown that children may not develop psychologically and may even die with the total absence of human warmth even when food and medical care are available. If parents neglect to give affection, the child will find it hard to connect with others, to give, and receive affection as they grow into adulthood. Their emotional expressions may be limited; they may avoid human contact, and might even act cold and distant. Sometimes individuals may not even be aware that they are frigid and might feel uncomfortable when touched or hugged. These individuals don’t realize that they are truly in need of human warmth.

Becoming aware and seeking companionship is the key to learning the art of human warmth; where it becomes more comfortable to be touched, hugged, or kissed. We actually feel good when hugged whether it is a greeting, or we need to be consoled, or just because. This is true whether it is a friend, family or lover. There is a form of communication transmitted when we touch each other. A hug, kiss, touch, or squeeze accompanied with respect and true amicability is seldom confused with a different, perceived message.

Non-verbally communicate with someone by gently putting a hand on their shoulder, hugging them, kissing them, etc. and be aware of the sensation.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Family Vacation Ideas

For those who love to travel, I found some interesting and possibly useful sites. These sites offer affordable family vacation ideas. If you start to plan now, you might be all set to go in the spring or summer.

If you would like to plan a farm stay where you will be in the action of working on a farm with animals and crops, try You can milk cows, pick eggs, feed the animals, etc. Kids usually love these activities These vacations are not very expensive; an average of $600 for a 5 day stay for a family of 3. is the site for you, if you are planning a trip to a national park. There are over 400 in the US.

To get annual passes for adults and children over 16 (under 16 is free) where you get guided tours and more try

For those who want to volunteer, there are many activities and organizations which offer trips. is a nonprofit group which maintains public hiking trails. If you would like to care for orphaned animals, try for a list of sanctuaries. offers other volunteer vacation thoughts.

To find dates where the cheapest prices are offered by airlines, try checks airline prices and sends an email alert when prices decrease. offers rental car discounts if you need to rent one.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Consider Being a Part-Time Vegetarian?

The benefits of going meatless are numerous. The first one of course, is health. Meat is high in protein, fat, cholesterol, calories, and bacteria. Studies show that drastically cutting back on meat coupled with an exercise regimen, substantially lowers the risk of heart disease, cancer, digestive ailments and auto-immune diseases such as arthritis. Meat isn't easy to digest and putrefies in the intestine while it is passing. If you are not taking in an adequate amount of fiber, the putrefying meat is creating toxins which accumulate in organs and intestines. Meat also creates toxic compounds when cooked, especially at high temperatures and for prolonged periods. Some meat proteins are similar to ours, so when present the body attempts to destroy them as foreigners increasing the chances of auto-immune diseases such as lupus. After the animal is killed, it is a carcass where bacteria multiply astronomically. Refrigeration and cooking retard this growth, but nevertheless bacteria is always present, increasing the chances of food borne illnesses.

Another factor is the environmental impact. It takes more energy and water to produce meat than to grow food. Water is needed to grow food for the animals. Land has to be cleared to keep the animals. The waste that animals produce accounts for about 20% of the gases that contribute to global warming.

The health and welfare of workers in the meat industry is hardly ever mentioned, but this is yet another consideration. Workers are exploited (it is usually immigrants that do this job); they are subject to long hours without benefits, accidents, and diseases. They are unable to file any claims for injuries or take time off from work.

Another reason for going meatless is the treatment of the animals to be consumed. Animals are cruelly dealt with. They are skinned or boiled alive in many instances, sometimes their limbs are cut off while still alive. They are supposed to be shot in the forhead with a compressed air gun but this isn't done skillfully in many occasions . Many are left in crowded, cramped quarters with no room to move, usually stepping in their own dung or on other fallen animals. Force-feeding, administering of antibiotics and hormones are already known factors.

There is also the factor of how eating less meat is more affordable than eating grains and vegetables.

Abstaining completely from meat eating is not the idea here but wouldn't being a part time vegetarian be an option?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Achieving Happiness

The results were out a few months ago regarding a survey of where the happiest people are. According to the survey, they are in Denmark. The US made 16th place (wow). Some of the things that the survey took into account were life satisfaction, unemployment rate, health care access, and basic education provision. While Denmark has a high tax rate (sometimes over 50% of income), it also has a broad range of social services. Denmark’s strength lays in its good quality public schools, low unemployment rate (about 2%), health care provision, and good retirement pensions. You might not get rich in Denmark but you can survive on a smaller salary. People seem to be more satisfied with their jobs and life overall.

While these things can contribute to life satisfaction and happiness, it is our own responsibility to actively seek to be happy. Happiness should be pursued, rather than rely on something or someone to make us happy.

Since our day to day activities puts the feeling of happiness out of minds, we need to focus on our intent to achieve it. Once we focus on it and start practicing it, it becomes a habit. Here are some ways:

 I highly believe in the saying: “Fake it until you make it”. If you tell yourself that you are happy and believe it, you will be. This goes hand in hand with smiling. If you don’t feel like smiling but make yourself smile, it will come naturally thus bringing you closer to happiness.

 Engage in activities that bring satisfaction and that are enjoyable.

 Think of how you feel when you are happy; it’s a feeling of giddiness and butterflies in your stomach. Take a moment and imagine it and try to retain the feeling.

 Concentrate on what you truly need in your life. The more we want, the more we acquire. Do material things lead to happiness, especially when you are drowning in debt and clutter?

 Seek people who are enjoyable to be around and who are optimistic. Talk happiness topics with them.

 Be aware of those negative moods and thoughts (anger, jealousy, sadness) and try to turn them around. Remember that tomorrow, whatever caused these feelings might be forgotten. Ask if it is worth to waste precious energy on these feelings?

 Maintain close friends and family relationships.

There are many ways that we can make ourselves happy and help those around us to do the same. It is our right, so let’s practice!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Preserving One of America’s Beautiful Creatures

The Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 was enacted due to the public outcry in the 1950's and 1960's because of the slaughter of wild horses. These animals were considered pests and were killed in large numbers. They were usually shot and left to die. The Act called for the protection of these animals from public agencies one of them the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Throughout the years the government has done everything but protect these majestic free-spirited creatures.

These animals are rounded-up through the chase of helicopters and four wheelers and then trapped in holding pens. They are held in facilities for the purpose of adoption (with no guarantees) and to be sold to slaughter houses. Of those that are adopted, there is no proper adoption screening. In the chase, animals fall from exhaustion only to be trampled by the running herd. Others succumb to illness because of the stress or because they are too weak or old to survive the roundup. There is also the trauma of the separation from the herd, existing bonds are broken. Some foals are often left behind to fend for themselves. Some animals are kept in holding pens for years. On the good side is the action of closing down in 2007 of the 3 slaughter houses in the US (2 in Texas and 1 in Illinois).

Herd Management Areas or HMAs are areas designated for the wild horses, but they are killed by the very BLM (who is supposed to protect them) when they step out of the HMAs. Being that they not a fenced off areas, the horses have no knowledge that they are trespassing this invisible line. The government claims that they damage the environment but in reality what they mean is that the horses eat the dirt-cheap grass that cattle feed on in public lands. The BLM obviously has favored the cattle ranchers succumbing to their pressure.

Considerable education is necessary (especially for the lawmakers) on the management of wild horses, in order to reach a co-existing plan for the horses and cattle-ranchers. We have already taken large amounts of their land in favor of livestock. Many sanctuaries use non-hormonal contraception in mares. The government can adopt this procedure also, in an effort to control their so-called overpopulation and stop the so-called destruction of habitat that they impose. I say so-called because there is scientific evidence that states otherwise.

Euthanasia should not be an option to control their numbers. At this rate, wild horses will be extinct only to be remembered by its close relative the domestic horse.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Choose the Company You Keep

'Like attracts like', is a saying that represents well how like-minded people will naturally respond to each other. It is important to scrutinize our own behavior so that we can attract those who will share our behaviors and beliefs. On the same point, it is crucial that we consider who's company we keep.

Do you want a healthy lifestyle and to attract goodness to you? Our circle of friends and family might help, improve, or hinder our efforts. Can you learn and improve your thoughts and life by the people that surround you? Do they hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams or do they color your world? Chances are that if they are the type that criticize, gossip, envy, are pessimistic, and engage in negative behaviors, they are not headed in your same direction. They will not help your soul to flourish.

This is not encouraging the behavior of superiority over others. One person is not better than the next, but some lives prosper while others' don't. Just like it is important to keep associations with those who can help us grow, it is also important that we mirror those behaviors. Are we encouraging, optimistic, loving, not faultfinding, overall helpful, and not jealous of others? We need to be conscious of our own behaviors as well. With conscious thought we can learn, guide, or keep away from people who are not good intended.

We never stop growing and learning; the idea is to continuously self-improve.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Recognize a Hero(ine)

A hero(ine) is an individual admired for their achievements and noble qualities. This sounds like not just anybody can become one; you must have risked your life in order to have saved someone else's or have gotten someone out of a terrible bind. While these actions constitute a hero(ine), heroic actions and qualities can also be subtle.

Just by being less self-centered and expecting less recognition on our accomplishments, yet recognizing others' feats lead to a heroic path. Actions such as sharing, inactively listening (keeping quiet even when we have some idea to verbally contribute), or not becoming offended (letting your ego get in the way). How about when we are of service to others, or when we are humble, or when we bequeath a certain possession (we shouldn't be attached to earthly possessions)?

Isn't it true that the more we give (without expecting returns), the more we receive? I passionately believe this. But, it is easy in our day-to-day living to forget all that we receive moment-by-moment, (even the hero(ine) in our lives).

Look around you and recognize that person, whether they are in direct contact in your life or not. Send warm, sincere, loving, benevolent thoughts their way. Let them know how much they are appreciated and how their actions enhance the lives of others.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Legendary Micheal Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Indiana and passed away on June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. He was one in a family of seven brothers and sisters. His music, lyrics, sense of fashion, and dance moves were unique and inspired many stars. He was inspired by legends such as Fred Astaire and Sammy Davis. He had followers across the globe. Micheal Jackson was a true legend but what stands out in my mind and heart, was his noble heart and the great humanitarian that he was.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Caring For Our Home Planet

Humans are 200,000 years old, living in a 4 billion year old home. In the last 50 years, we have managed to drastically change this home through development; more than in all of the years before that. The changes have been at a great cost. We have been depleting what Mother Earth has provided by destroying a natural, delicate balance.

Development is a good thing but, it must be done consciously and responsibly, otherwise what will be the cost? What will await us in the future?

What are we willing to do now to halt the inevitable, catastrophic changes that will occur if we continue our mindless living on Earth. This is a collective effort and
millions have started to make a difference.
Follow the link to become informed.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Very Personal

I have had my share of displacing events, especially in the last 6 months. Its just been occurring to me in the past few days how these events are so prominent in my brain. Yet, when these issues resolve themselves, they are easily forgotten. It seems that we hold on to the negatives or 'lacks' in our lives thus attracting more lack. So, we create a cycle of more negatives and lacks.

It has been hard for me to grasp the concept that there actually is an abundance in my life. So I have started tallying those moments where when one door has been shut, two have been opened. I have become more aware of how my life has been opening like a blooming flower.This reflection has helped me to deal with any setbacks that present themselves and not let fear govern. Instead of despairing on what to do next, I just have to listen and trust that I already have answers because God has provided us all with this knowledge. I actually have much to be grateful for so, I need only to continue harvesting those feelings, continue to receive my spiritual wealth, and share with all.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) dominates as a sweetener in many of our food products today. Derived from corn, it has been used since the 1970’s. It is added in tomato sauces, salad dressings, jams, chocolate syrups, yogurts, beverages, cereal bars, breads, cakes and snacks, etc. It is cheaper to produce because of the high corn yield by farmers. It has been a very popular additive in our foods and so has its correlation to damaging health.

HFCS has been linked to:

- Interference with the absorption of some minerals
- Playing a role in elevated cholesterol levels
- Increase in triglyceride levels (the liver produces it in order to
metabolize it)

- Interference of white blood cells
- Diabetes
- Interference of metabolism of amino acids
- Diarrhea
- Aging (through oxidative damage to cells)
- Mineral loss especially copper where HFCS effects are greater in its
decreased levels

- Obesity

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 76, glucose is metabolized in every cell in the body but all fructose must be metabolized in the liver, thus the production of triglycerides.

And to add insult to injury many brand name foods have been found to contain mercury. Mercury is present in mercury-contaminated caustic soda and hydrochloride; used to manufacture HFCS.

It is true that table sugar (sucrose) has its adverse health effects but HFCS goes through high levels of processing and uses genetically modified enzymes.

We are addicted to sugar. We have the power to influence how manufactures process foods. If more people protest having imperfect additives (HFCS for one) and less sugar added to our foods and we decide not to buy them, manufacturers will listen. I inadvertently have also been consuming enough of the product. Although I don’t purchase juices that contain HFCS, I never thought to look at the whole wheat bread, tomato sauces, and some other products that I use. So, I have switched brands and am more scrupulous on reading ingredient labels. I have also started informing manufacturers why I am no longer using their products.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feel Superior to No One

Release your need to feel superior by seeing the unfolding of Spirit in everyone. Don’t assess others on the basis of their appearance, achievements, and possessions. It’s an old saw, but is nonetheless true: We are all equal in the eyes of God.

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gratitude Journal Entries

Sometimes we aren't aware of all the little but great things that happen to us day by day. We expect magnificent incidents to be worthy of gratefulness. But all of the little things are just equally important and deserving of recognition.

I keep meaning to start a gratitude journal and just never get around to it. Since I haven't started one I tell myself that in the meantime I will make mental notes but then I slip. In the day to day events, I forget to take notice of all of the things that I should be grateful for. That is, until something makes me take notice again. I believe in the journal because it makes you more conscious, as it forces you to reflect.

I thought that I would make a quick entry on my blog of a few things that I am grateful about. Of course, I could have easily made a longer list but for readers' sake, I will only post some.

- had an extra charge (partial) on my internet bill because I switched to a bundle package, I called my provider, the charge was reversed.

- not having to pay my electric bill for a couple of months because I overpaid.

- made 2 phone calls and the outcome was positive, I obtained the information needed.

- both incidences above, the representatives were very pleasant and helpful

(It is always a nice experience to deal with people who are helpful and polite.)

- Cely (daughter) texting me: "luv u".

- getting a hug from Cely when I arrived home yesterday.

- Tara (dog) always being happy when I arrive home.

- getting a clean bill of health from the vet for Alaima (other cat).

- getting a discount on Linthia's (cat) medication and once again, the pharmacist was very nice.

- being able to afford Linthia's medication.

- a moment of sitting down and enjoying a warm cup of coffee.

- Dad thinking about me and making a quick visit to bring me food.

Are you grateful for the little things?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Temples

It is perplexing to see how we strive to decorate ourselves. How about striving to maintain the system that keeps us going.

Sometimes we are willing to spend top dollars to look good in top brand name fashions, or get the fabulous haircut, or maintain the manicure every few weeks. When it comes to paying top dollars to see a doctor or dentist, we yell.

I am not saying that we shouldn't look good, it is perfectly reasonable. I am saying that we should also take care of ourselves and do the necessary to do so.

Why can't we take a moment and envision what our temples might look like inside because of neglect. We might engage in drinking excess alcohol, taking recreational drugs, smoking, not exercising, eating junk food, not seeing a doctor on a regular basis, not getting enough sleep.

We need to realize that we are beautiful creatures inside and out, and inside and out we must take care of ourselves.

Let's be kind to ourselves.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Need for Water in Our Bodies

Water-The substance whose chemical composition is made up of 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen. It covers about 70% of the earth. Our bodies are made of about 70% of it (depending on sex, age, etc.) not to mention how much animals and plants contain. It is so vital that life would not exist without it.

In our bodies, water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream, it lubricates joints, regulates the body's temperature, and assists in removal of wastes. It also maintains our skin supple. It is present in every part of our bodies; brain, skin, muscles, internal organs, bloodstream, cells...

It is lost through perspiration, urination, bowel movements and even breathing! The lungs expel 2-4 cups per day. It is important to replenish this precious substance. The body can survive for about 3 months without food but only for about 3 weeks without water.

A depletion of water in the body can affect our physical performance and thinking ability. Some symptoms are headaches, constipation, fatigue, and lightheadedness. Lack of water can aggravate colds if you have one. Urine should be odorless and pale yellow. We should not rely on the feeling of thirst to gauge the need for water. We can be dehydrated already by the time we feel thirsty and the elderly lose some ability to gauge the need for water.

How much water we need varies. If we have healthy diets that includes an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables (6-9 servings per day) and limit intake of coffee and soda, we need less than the person who doesn't practice a healthy lifestyle. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and coffee and soda act as diuretics. The 6-9 servings might seem like a large amount of fruits and vegetables but it is really easy to include in our diets. If you make a smoothie that contains 3 servings of fruits, or add fruits to your cereal or oatmeal or juice vegetables and fruits, you will easily achieve these recommended servings.

The best rule of thumb is for men to drink to have an intake of about 12 cups, women 8 cups and children about 4 cups (depending on age). Men need more water because they have more lean muscle and lean muscle contains more water than fat.

It is possible to drink to much where the natural sodium in the bloodstream gets diluted but this is rare.

So I'll drink to my health and yours.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Making a Difference

I received the following story in an email. I thought I should share it with my readers. It signifies how making a difference one small step at a time is all that is needed. If we wait to make a big difference we might just never get started.

Once upon a time there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself as he thought of someone who would dance to the day. So, he began to walk faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

As he got closer he called out, "Good morning! What are you doing?"

The young man paused, looked up and replied, "Throwing starfish in the ocean."

"I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?"

"The sun is up and the tide is going out. And if I don't throw them in they'll die."

"But, young man, don't you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can't possibly make a difference!"

The young man listened politely. Then bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said, "It made a difference for that one."

Transmit Friendliness and Kindness

It is so easy to see fault in others, but so difficult to see our own shortcomings. We walk around gossiping, complaining, and criticizing others. I often wonder if we think that we are so perfect that we subconsciously believe that we are above others. I have seen people criticize others, yet they engage in the same exact behavior that they complained about. Is it true that they are unaware that they do the same thing or is it that they feel that they are justified for whatever reason?

It is sometimes easy to gossip about others and find fault especially when we find those souls who feed into that negative energy. It is difficult to take a moment and try to understand the individual's actions or beliefs. Sometimes we can’t even explain why we don’t like a certain individual. It usually arises from some impression that we formed and then construed an idea around it.

When we gossip about others or take the passive behavior of just listening, it oftentimes hurts the party who is the subject. That party may become angry and engage in the same behavior and we have now created a cycle (and not a good one)!

True that we can’t like everyone, especially when that person is mean or even hostile to us. In that case, it is best to attempt a neutral stand and let it go. Oftentimes, if we sow the seed of friendliness, friendliness is what will grow. And, as we engage in some form of empathy with those that irk us, we will find that it becomes easier until it becomes habitual. In this manner, there won’t be a desire to gossip, criticize, or even dislike others.

We can transmit kindness to the world around us, so lets do it!