Sunday, July 12, 2009

Recognize a Hero(ine)

A hero(ine) is an individual admired for their achievements and noble qualities. This sounds like not just anybody can become one; you must have risked your life in order to have saved someone else's or have gotten someone out of a terrible bind. While these actions constitute a hero(ine), heroic actions and qualities can also be subtle.

Just by being less self-centered and expecting less recognition on our accomplishments, yet recognizing others' feats lead to a heroic path. Actions such as sharing, inactively listening (keeping quiet even when we have some idea to verbally contribute), or not becoming offended (letting your ego get in the way). How about when we are of service to others, or when we are humble, or when we bequeath a certain possession (we shouldn't be attached to earthly possessions)?

Isn't it true that the more we give (without expecting returns), the more we receive? I passionately believe this. But, it is easy in our day-to-day living to forget all that we receive moment-by-moment, (even the hero(ine) in our lives).

Look around you and recognize that person, whether they are in direct contact in your life or not. Send warm, sincere, loving, benevolent thoughts their way. Let them know how much they are appreciated and how their actions enhance the lives of others.

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