Monday, May 18, 2009

The Need for Water in Our Bodies

Water-The substance whose chemical composition is made up of 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen. It covers about 70% of the earth. Our bodies are made of about 70% of it (depending on sex, age, etc.) not to mention how much animals and plants contain. It is so vital that life would not exist without it.

In our bodies, water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream, it lubricates joints, regulates the body's temperature, and assists in removal of wastes. It also maintains our skin supple. It is present in every part of our bodies; brain, skin, muscles, internal organs, bloodstream, cells...

It is lost through perspiration, urination, bowel movements and even breathing! The lungs expel 2-4 cups per day. It is important to replenish this precious substance. The body can survive for about 3 months without food but only for about 3 weeks without water.

A depletion of water in the body can affect our physical performance and thinking ability. Some symptoms are headaches, constipation, fatigue, and lightheadedness. Lack of water can aggravate colds if you have one. Urine should be odorless and pale yellow. We should not rely on the feeling of thirst to gauge the need for water. We can be dehydrated already by the time we feel thirsty and the elderly lose some ability to gauge the need for water.

How much water we need varies. If we have healthy diets that includes an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables (6-9 servings per day) and limit intake of coffee and soda, we need less than the person who doesn't practice a healthy lifestyle. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and coffee and soda act as diuretics. The 6-9 servings might seem like a large amount of fruits and vegetables but it is really easy to include in our diets. If you make a smoothie that contains 3 servings of fruits, or add fruits to your cereal or oatmeal or juice vegetables and fruits, you will easily achieve these recommended servings.

The best rule of thumb is for men to drink to have an intake of about 12 cups, women 8 cups and children about 4 cups (depending on age). Men need more water because they have more lean muscle and lean muscle contains more water than fat.

It is possible to drink to much where the natural sodium in the bloodstream gets diluted but this is rare.

So I'll drink to my health and yours.

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