Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pet Bereavement

Pets form a large part of our lives when we have them. Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird, or a rat, they become a part of our family and we develop and share special bonds with them. The passing of a pet or the decision of euthanasia for a pet can be a despairingly sad event. It can affect us differently and it can affect the same person differently with different pets. This is a normal grieving behavior. Feeling in such a way does not make a person silly, ridiculous, or crazy. Others may not understand especially if they don’t care for pets so it is important to stay away from such people and seek others who share our feelings. We should not allow a non-understanding person belittle our pet bereavement. Feeling of despondence, guilt, denial and even anger might arise.

Acknowledging the feelings through letter writing, poems or sharing with someone who understands are all methods which can help.

At times, the loss can affect a pet owner in a way where normal everyday functions become disrupted. The grief is so great that sleep, eating, and other activities almost become impossible. The grief becomes inconsolable. It is important to seek help and support for one self or for someone who is grieving the passing of a pet in such a way. There are many sources such as support groups, pet bereavement counselors, or online sites and groups. Information for pet loss support can be obtained through your veterinarian, humane society, or other pet owners.

Some online sites are:

Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement

Pet Loss Chat Room:

Monday/Wed/ Friday 8:00-10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Sunday 2:00-4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

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