Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Choose the Company You Keep

'Like attracts like', is a saying that represents well how like-minded people will naturally respond to each other. It is important to scrutinize our own behavior so that we can attract those who will share our behaviors and beliefs. On the same point, it is crucial that we consider who's company we keep.

Do you want a healthy lifestyle and to attract goodness to you? Our circle of friends and family might help, improve, or hinder our efforts. Can you learn and improve your thoughts and life by the people that surround you? Do they hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams or do they color your world? Chances are that if they are the type that criticize, gossip, envy, are pessimistic, and engage in negative behaviors, they are not headed in your same direction. They will not help your soul to flourish.

This is not encouraging the behavior of superiority over others. One person is not better than the next, but some lives prosper while others' don't. Just like it is important to keep associations with those who can help us grow, it is also important that we mirror those behaviors. Are we encouraging, optimistic, loving, not faultfinding, overall helpful, and not jealous of others? We need to be conscious of our own behaviors as well. With conscious thought we can learn, guide, or keep away from people who are not good intended.

We never stop growing and learning; the idea is to continuously self-improve.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully put! Couldn't have found better word. My belief is "if we cannot contribute to eachother's spiritual growth and well-being, we are not bringing anything worthwhile into eachother's lives then we need to part."