Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Temples

It is perplexing to see how we strive to decorate ourselves. How about striving to maintain the system that keeps us going.

Sometimes we are willing to spend top dollars to look good in top brand name fashions, or get the fabulous haircut, or maintain the manicure every few weeks. When it comes to paying top dollars to see a doctor or dentist, we yell.

I am not saying that we shouldn't look good, it is perfectly reasonable. I am saying that we should also take care of ourselves and do the necessary to do so.

Why can't we take a moment and envision what our temples might look like inside because of neglect. We might engage in drinking excess alcohol, taking recreational drugs, smoking, not exercising, eating junk food, not seeing a doctor on a regular basis, not getting enough sleep.

We need to realize that we are beautiful creatures inside and out, and inside and out we must take care of ourselves.

Let's be kind to ourselves.

1 comment:

Alyssa Ast said...

Powerful message. What a great post!