Millions of animals are killed every year in China for their fur. According to Swiss Animal Protection (SAP), Chinese companies will at times deliberately mislabel their fur products as “Asian jackal’, “rabbit”, or “raccoon” to fool consumers.
Animals are rounded up (many are beloved pets), thrown into crates and taken to the fur farms where they are stunned with blows to the head or swung against the ground. SAP has documented conscious animals during the skinning process. Since there is no animal welfare legislation in China regarding dogs or cats, these animals are denied any act of kindness and granted all of the atrocities of cruelty. Pain and suffering go into every piece of fur manufactured from these animals. Please boycott all fur-like products (even toys) from China and write to China’s Ambassador in the US:
The Honorable Zhou Wenzhong
The People’s Republic of China
2300 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington DC 200081799
Watch the following video depicting the cruelty inflicted on these animals that will become fur. Warning: Contains graphic material.